CCTV Surveilance & Access Control

About the product
A CCTV (closed-circuit television) system allows the use of videos cameras to monitor the interior and exterior of a property, transmitting the signal to a monitor or set of monitors.

One study found that using CCTV in car parks resulted in a 51% decrease in crime; in public transportation areas a 23% decrease in crime; and in public settings, a 7% decrease in crime. Even the lowest figure, 7%, is a significant improvement.

Everyone wants to keep their businesses secure and thus, the need for an access control system. Unless yours is an office comprised of less than 10 employees where you might be just fine with locks, it is wise to install an access control system on your business premises.
Such a system will curb any security threats, giving you peace of mind. It is common to find an area in any business that needs to be restricted from customers.
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