Questions & Answers for Botswana Power Corporation BPC Contacts, Address - Gaborone

Here you will find questions & answers for Botswana Power Corporation BPC Contacts, Address. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or Local! Botswana users.
How do I retrieve a token after purchasing electricity through the ebanking money deducted and sent to bpc and a payment confirmation issued but no token was sent to me?
How do I retrieve power token details after losing one
Our electricity went off on Saturday night when there was storm, since then we have been out of it till today, how do i call for help?
How do I get notification after purchase of prepaid electricity? the token number?
I lost the slip before I can enter the electricity numbers in the house, what can I do
How do I get a pre-paid number for my house, my tenant who left the house says they have lost it
How much do you charge for power conection?

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