
Looking for companies by tag Barcodes in Botswana? Find in our directory the list of companies by tag Barcodes in Botswana.
We found 2 companies

Barcodes Botswana

P.O.Box 46321, Gaborone, Botswana, Gaborone
Barcodes Botswana is a business operating under the company Yaya & Basheko Investments (PTY) LTD. Its main objective is to provide Internationally verified product barcodes to the general public by ru...
 Verified+6  Years with us

Accelron Asset Verification

P O Box 10886, Francistown
Accelron Asset Verification is a Botswana company aimed at providing the following solutions Management Solutions We have realized challenges being experienced by most organizations when it comes to; ...
 Verified+6  Years with us

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